Pro+ Membership VS. Exec+ Membership: What’s the difference?

Wanna know what the difference between our Pro+ and Exec+ membership plans is? Wonder no more. Here's a side-by-side breakdown for you. 👇

Pro+ Exec+
Exclusive, weekly articles
90+ frameworks and templates + Extra strategic slide deck templates.
PMM mentorship programs
PMM learning paths
PMM toolkits
500+ hours of presentations
300+ PMM slide decks
40% discount on Summits + Free in-person Summit or course ticket annually + Free in-person Summit or course ticket annually
10% discount on certifications + Free in-person Summit or course ticket annually + Free in-person Summit or course ticket annually
4x fundamental courses
Members only events
Members only network
PMM Certified: Core
PMM Certified: Advanced
20+ Masters certifications
Advanced micro courses
PMM Hired
PMM Certified: Leadership X
Leadership Accelerator Program X
Leadership breakfast briefings X
PMM Leadership dinners X
Mastering leadership workshops X
PMM Leaders Summit X
Curated peer groups X
Community-led workshops X
Master bundles X
PMM crash courses X
Recruitment hub X

Pro+ Membership Plan

Brief overview

Our Pro+ plan is the ultimate resource for product marketers at any level to learn from the best of the best (we’re talking Google, LinkedIn, HubSpot, Drift…), up-skill in any area of the craft, and tap into a never-ending flow of tried and tested case studies.

If absorbing awesome insights, streamlining your learning curve, and accessing an industry-standard framework is for you, so is our Pro+ plan.

Who is it for?

There’s quite literally something for everyone in here. If you’re right at the start of your product marketing journey, our Pro+ plan provides you with everything you need to excel in every area of the job.

If you’ve got a fair few years of experience under your belt, you’ll have a constant flow of new and trending tactics and topics - and let’s be honest, the product marketing landscape never stays still.

If you’re in a leadership-level role, Pro+ provides you with a ton of resources to learn from other leaders. However, if this is you, we’d recommend checking out our Exec+ plan. This plan contains everything our Pro+ plan does - plus a whole load more – specifically tailored to leaders.

What can you expect to get from this plan?

A never-ending flow of resources including unlimited access to 25+ courses to help you learn from the leading product marketing minds in the world, fast-track your professional development, and accelerate your career trajectory.

You’ll also receive a weekly expert article in your inbox, a FREE ticket to an in-person event or course annually, a whole host of tried and tested templates used by professionals across the world, and so much more. 

What are current members saying about this plan?

"An hour a day of PMA content is a game-changer for me. I really feel like I’m learning a lot from the member-only content. It's worth way more than what we are paying for it."
Mathew Sedze, Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft

"I’m constantly impressed by the community and resources available. This is speeding up my development and giving me new ideas for how to contribute to my peers and my company."
Bradley Harrad, former Multi-Cloud Solutions Marketing Manager at VMware

Exec+ Membership Plan

Brief overview

Our Exec+ plan connects product marketing leaders with the resources they need to continue leveling up and learning from PMMs at the same career stage as them.

If you’re the only PMM leader in your org, you might not have peers internally you can bounce ideas off, solve problems alongside, and strategize with. Our Exec+ Membership plan is a dedicated, safe, and exclusive haven for all of this.

Who is it for?

This plan has been built with Heads, Directors, and VPs of Product Marketing in mind.

However, if you’re currently just outside of these roles, you likely have your sights set on these roles, or perhaps you’re already taking on some of the responsibility. If this sounds like you, this plan will help you speed up the learning curve, plug any gaps, and upskill.

What can you expect to get from this plan?

More ideas, innovation, and collaboration. Better strategies. Unparalleled personal and professional growth.

What are current members saying about this plan?

“The PMA Executive membership is amazing. I've spent more than a decade in PMM, and I still found much of the content interesting.”
Prashanth Krishnaswami, Global Head of CX & Marketing - Customer Service & Contact Center BU at Zoho Corporation

"This community has the MOST resources of any paid community I've joined. The most in terms of volume (there are so many excellent resources), and the most in terms of actually being valuable. I always recommend PMA to marketing friends."
Erin Rosintoski Lewis, Director of Content and Product Marketing at Catalant Technologies

What exclusive features are included in the PMA Exec+ Membership?

A whole bunch of ‘em!

Sign up for the PMA Exec+ Membership and not only will you gain access to the perks included in the PMA Pro+ Plan, but you’ll also access additional features, including:

🧠 PMM Certified: Leadership: A specialized certification program designed to validate and enhance leadership skills specific to product marketing management.
🤝 Leadership Accelerator Program: An intensive, hands-on program aimed at fast-tracking the development of high-potential PMM leaders.
☕️ Leadership breakfast briefings: Early morning sessions featuring industry experts and thought leaders, providing insights on emerging trends and challenges in PMM leadership.
🍽 PMM Leadership dinners: Exclusive networking events allowing PMM leaders to connect, share experiences, and build relationships in a relaxed setting.
👨‍🏫 Mastering leadership workshops: In-depth, interactive sessions focusing on key leadership competencies such as strategic thinking, team management, and cross-functional collaboration.
🎓 PMM Leaders Summit: A gathering of top PMM executives, featuring keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities to shape the future of product marketing leadership.
👯‍♂️ Curated peer groups: Monthly gatherings with your very own, intimate pod of product marketing leaders to connect, strategize, and collaborate.
📚 Community-led workshops: Exclusive and intimate tables of PMM leaders meeting regularly to discuss topics such as pricing, analyst relations, and team structures.
🎁 Master bundles: Presentations, guides, and templates around core topics, like strategies, metrics, and more.
🔖 PMM crash courses: PMM leaders don’t necessarily do the doing anymore, but they need to be able to support those who… do. This section provides in-depth, refresher guides on everything from research and OKRs to personas and sales enablement.
🛠 Strategic templates: A bank of frameworks on everything from VRIO analysis to change management, to support your strategic initiatives.
🤝 Recruitment hub: Support and streamline recruitment with sample interview questions, interview tasks, job descriptions, templates, and presentations.

Think of your Exec+ Membership plan as an extension of your team. Always there to set you up for personal and professional success, as Lorena Martinez, Product Marketing Lead at Parabol discovered:

“I love the idea of having a virtual room full of the brightest brains in the industry making product marketing better for everyone. Thanks to PMA for creating this program and giving us the possibility to learn from each other and showering us with relevant content and learning resources for us to never stop growing as marketers.”