Find the spark to ignite your win-loss program [OnDemand]

Every stakeholder, from sales to product to customer experience, has their own unique needs and expectations.

What they really want to know is, "What can we do differently to win more?”

In our exclusive session with experts from Corporate Visions, we discovered how to transform your win-loss program from dull to dynamite.

3 key takeaways:

  • Translate stakeholder needs and align your win-loss program with their goals
  • Capture the complete story behind buyer decisions by measuring the right attributes
  • Share insights that inspire action and help your organization win more deals

Meet your expert hosts...

Ryan Cuellar Chief Delivery Officer at TruVoice by Corporate Visions Ryan oversees all 
facets of win loss,customer experience and churn data acquisition and insight creation. He partners with global C-level leaders to help them hear the voice of their
customer and interpret it into action resulting in improved win rates and customer 