We're thrilled to announce the launch of the eagerly anticipated Sales Enablement Landscape Vol.2, a thorough deep-dive into the intricacies of a pivotal part of the product marketing discipline.

In amongst its 66 pages, you'll discover insights that'll help you:

✅ Improve your understanding of sales enablement assets
✅ Understand best practices for structuring your teams
✅ Identify how sales enablement teams are being supported
✅ Discover recommended tools to enhance your sales enablement efforts
✅ Unearth a wealth of sales enablement tips from industry experts

Get your copy

We’ve delved into a whole host of topics, including:

🤷‍♂️ Who owns sales enablement?
🤔 How much of the product marketing role is focused on sales enablement?
📝 Is product marketing responsible for creating sales assets?
🦠 How has COVID-19 affected sales enablement?
🤝 How are sales enablement teams being supported?
🛠 Which sales enablement tools are being used by PMMs?
💰 How much budget is spent on sales enablement?
🧠 Sales enablement tips

Whilst writing the report, we’ve uncovered a bunch of insights. Here’s a taste of what we discovered:

Some key takeaways:

People are warming to the idea of a sales enablement team

Last year, almost half of the people surveyed (47.9%) said they didn’t have a sales enablement team in place, and said they weren’t planning to introduce one within their company in the future.

When we asked the same question this year, the figure had decreased to 33.3%. While there’s still room for improvement, it’s a step in the right direction.

PMMs are stepping up to the plate

64.6% of product marketers surveyed said they own sales enablement at their company, a considerable increase from 2020 (23.4%).

Sales representatives require more motivation

When we asked how engaged sales representatives are on a scale of 1-10, the average response rate was 6.1, a decrease of 1.9 from 2020, when on average, respondents answered 8.

Key stakeholders aren’t loosening the purse strings

Almost half of the product marketers surveyed (46.4%) don’t have a dedicated budget for sales enablement at their company, with 54.8% saying they don’t think enough money is being invested to support the process.

And there’s more where that came from:

  1. Download the report
  2. Access a whole bunch of transferable insights
  3. Improve your sales enablement efforts

In the meantime, here’s one of the many sales enablement tips included in the report, courtesy of Jessica Materna, Director of Product Marketing at Litmus:

“Communicate with your sales team regularly and proactively. Welcome feedback, but don't wait for it to come your way. Having consistent conversations with sales leadership and top sales representatives is the best way to ensure your sales enablement strategy is as effective as possible.”
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