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Personas & segmentation, July 30

12:00 pm EDT | 9:00 am PDT | 5:00 pm BST

Looking for product market fit? Wanna compete in a saturated market? Perhaps you’re aiming to define a new category? Whatever your goal, segmentation will help you take a customer-obsessed and focused approach to driving sustainable growth.

But that's only half the battle.

Ginevra Mambretti, Founder, Fractional Product Marketing Manager at Hourly GM

Ginevra Mambretti is a multi-award-winning Senior Product Marketing Manager with a proven track record in marketing SaaS products across EMEA, APAC, and North America.

At Product Marketing Alliance, she shares her expertise as a speaker and course instructor, recognized as one of the top 100 product marketing influencers worldwide in 2022. She also creates and teaches PMM courses at Product Heroes, where she has educated over 300 product marketers to date.

Ginevra’s experience spans eCommerce, cybersecurity, and fintech, where she has successfully marketed B2C, B2B, and developer products. Fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Italian, she brings a global perspective to her work.

With a background in humanities (BA) and marketing (master’s), Ginevra’s passion for continuous learning is reflected in her certifications in SQL, business analytics, and product marketing. Her love for knowledge extends to holding library cards from five different countries.

Ginevra helps companies unlock their growth potential by identifying winning segments, pricing models, and product strategies, while also coaching the next generation of product marketers and strategists to embrace innovative product marketing philosophies.

Tanya Stracuzza, Product Marketing Alliance Ambassador and Global Product Marketer Lead at Salesforce

Tanya is a business professional with +10 years of experience across B2B Tech, Marketing Strategy, Supply Chain and Big4 Consulting across regions and industries. 

Molly Chapman, Head of Product Marketing at Moorepay

Molly Chapman is the Head of Product Marketing at Moorepay, dedicated to championing the voice of the customer.

Passionate about bringing new products to market, Molly ensures that customers have a seat at the table. She leverages communication to align sales and marketing teams, driving brand consistency while leading with customer-centric data and user experience to influence product design and launch strategies.

Recognized for her ambition and dedication, Molly is part of the prestigious 30 under 30 group, hosted by TTG. She is known for her creativity, drive, and self-motivation, standing out as a leader in her field.

Molly’s strengths lie in her ability to balance strategic vision with tactical execution. Her approach ensures that every product launch resonates with the target audience, maintaining brand integrity and delivering exceptional user experiences.