Marina Hudek, former Product Marketing Lead at Infobip, discovered Product Marketing Core: Teams via the Product Marketing Alliance website and social media channels. It wasn’t long before the Infobip team had joined the growing number of teams gaining a PMM certification. 🔖

She discusses:

Infobip's motivation

While Infobip is a company with a global presence, there were several approaches being used with regards to the product marketing function.

Infobip enrolled in the team certification in a bid to introduce a more uniform approach to the company.

“Product Marketing is a relatively new function in Infobip that has grown exponentially.

“Currently, we have a team of fifteen PMMs (for SaaS and CPaaS) based in Croatia and in the UK, we still have more roles to fill.

“The team all came to Infobip with different backgrounds and experience related to marketing, product marketing, communications, CX so logically this brought a different understanding of PMM's scope of work.

“We decided it was important to build a strong product marketing knowledge base. Add to that, Infobip is a fast-growing company, and to exceed the expectations of the organization as we grow, we needed to unify the team with certain standards. The certification helped with this.”

Why Product Marketing Core?

When asked what prompted Infobip’s decision to opt for Product Marketing Core, the reputation of Product Marketing Alliance was cited as a key driver behind the decision to get certified with Product Marketing Core: Teams.

“We didn’t research any other alternatives. When we heard about PMA’s Certification,

it offered everything we needed; a structured product marketing knowledge base, industry best practices, helpful templates, and frameworks. We didn’t even look at competitors.”

What are Product Marketing Core’s main benefits?

Product Marketing Core: Teams have a range of features, with some being earmarked as being particularly beneficial by other users, whether that be the weekly workshops or comprehensive curriculum.

However, when we asked Marina which feature appealed to her most, she couldn’t pinpoint one in particular - she loved it all.

“It’s hard to name the most beneficial part of the product. I think it’s beneficial as a whole.

“The well-structured modules were created by product marketers for product marketers followed by additional presentations, insights, and know-how by industry experts and thought leaders.

“It features the essentials, from GTM, customer onboarding to sales enablement, and much more. Plus, all valuable templates helped us save time we would spend on researching and creating it on our own to unify our way of work.

“The certification made us excited to be able to achieve a certain level of expertise.”

Key outcomes

Upon enrolling in Product Marketing Core: Teams, Infobip had a principal aim in their sights: to ensure their team was singing from the same PMM hymnsheet.

The key question: did the course have the desired effect?

“Product Marketing Core: Teams has enabled us to function in a much more structured way within our organization and a much more standards-based way to our stakeholders.

“It has significantly contributed to the reduction of ‘scope creep’ and enabled us to deliver a true SLA across our organization.

“Not only has it increased our productivity and provided actionable insights, but it’s also helped team members new to product marketing by giving them a richer understanding of the area.”

With the certification coming up trumps for Infobip, Marina gave a ringing endorsement for anyone who may be interested in enrolling their team in the certification in the future.

“I would highly recommend the PMA Certification Program regardless of your years of experience in product marketing.

“Not only is it a well-structured product marketing knowledge base, easy to follow with a lot of actionable insights, but also offers templates and frameworks which will help you increase team efficiency.

“Plus, it provides valuable insights from a global database of engaged product marketers. If you want to have a measurable standard of PMM expertise across your team this is a great way to do it.

“If we didn’t enroll in the course, it would’ve taken much longer for us to achieve our goals.”

Want to learn more on team certifications or the custom training we offer...? 👇

Product marketing certifications for your team
Upskill your entire team, get everyone speaking the same language, and level-up your PMM impact with accredited courses your team can use to learn today & apply tomorrow.