This week on Product Marketing Life, host Mark Assini is joined by Al Dea, host of PMA's newly released Product Marketing Careers podcast.

An experienced product marketer with a variety of insights, Al offers his guidance on how to start (and grow) your product marketing career.

A little bit about Al

Al Dea is a product marketer working at the intersection of people, technology, and society and is passionate about helping people and organizations navigate transformation.

He's at his best when he's tackling challenging problems, learning and helping others learn, connecting disparate ideas, making the complex simple, and inspiring others to be the best version of themselves.

Previously, Al worked as a management consultant helping Fortune 500 companies use digital technology to drive organizational and business transformation.

He's interested in topics such as digital transformation, the future of work, career development, and diversity and inclusion, and writes and speaks about these regularly. Al's work has been cited in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, Time, Fast Company, INC Magazine, and The World Economic Forum.

Al is also a Career and Leadership Coach and has advised hundreds of professionals through career and personal development coaching via his own coaching practice.

Key talking points

  • What a successful start in product marketing looks like
  • How to map out your first 30, 60, 90 in a new role
  • Product marketing career advice

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