Hey there! I'm Andrew Keating, and I’m here to share my thoughts and ideas about industry marketing strategies.

We'll explore how you can construct an industry-vertical go-to-market motion within your enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) product marketing organization.

I'll share with you:

  • My background in enterprise SaaS product marketing
  • How to build an industry-specific go-to-market motion
  • Pitfalls to avoid

My background in enterprise SaaS product marketing

To begin with, let's touch on my background. I've taken on a variety of roles related to industry verticals over my career. I view the industry go-to-market approach as critical to success – it's certainly been a major contributor to my own achievements in product marketing – so that’s what we’re going to focus on today.

I kicked off my career in the higher education vertical at an organization called Internet2. Then, at Box, I managed go-to-market strategies for the healthcare and education industries.

From there, I moved to Splunk, where I led the industry marketing organization. More recently, I've been working with startups like Qumulo and now Beamery, leading their product marketing and industry marketing initiatives.