Your members-only community

Why have we done this and why should you join?

For a couple of reasons:

1) Your members-only community is a paid-for Slack workspace, so you’ll have unlimited access to every thread, in every channel, always. Gone are the days of golden insights getting lost in the ether!

2) It’ll also be a private haven for you to connect and collaborate with your fellow members. Whether you want to discuss the latest piece of exclusive content, share ideas on the back of a presentation, or just network - period, you’ll be surrounded by a pod of like-minded peers.

Sync up with your cross-functional partners.

PMA is part of The Alliance umbrella, and your new members-only community is hosted by...The Alliance.

As a result, it brings together the best of all professions and you’ll be able to build relationships with members from our sister communities, like Sales Enablement Collective, Product-Led Alliance, Customer Success Collective, and Future of SaaS.

For a highly collaborative and cross-functional role like product marketing, it’s the perfect opportunity to share with and learn from stakeholders in complementary roles.

Will I lose access to the PMA community Slack channel?

Absolutely not. You’ll still have the exact same level of access to our community Slack channel, you’ll just have the luxury of both!

How long will I have access to the members-only community?

As long as your subscription is active, you’ll always have a home in the members-only community. 🙂